Probiotics play a huge role in almost every aspect of your health, from digestion and elimination of wastes to immune function.
Recent research has shown probiotics are vital for proper brain and nervous system development and function. Indeed, the combination of the following appear to be driving skyrocketing autism rates in children as well as indigestion, poor quality of sleep and depression we’ve observed in all age groups in recent decades:
1. Heavy metal toxicity, vaccines, mercury fillings, air pollution
2. Disruption of gut flora, due to all fruits and vegetables being so thoroughly washed that all naturally occurring probiotics are mostly removed
3. Preservatives in foods
4. Consumption of antibiotic-laden meats and
5. Personal medical reasons
While many ‘mental disorders’ are actually inventions aimed at lining the pockets of Big Pharma, some are quite real and devastating to those who experience them. Take depression, for instance. Plenty of people have to deal with this at one time or another in their lives.
A scientific review published in Hungary observed:
1. Inflammation, among other factors, may be involved. One line of studies has shown that depression is frequently associated with manifest gastrointestinal inflammations…
2. Depression may be a manifestation of a chronic inflammatory syndrome.
3. A primary cause of inflammation and depression may be the dysfunction of the “gut-brain axis”. Your gut and your brain are closely linked. They’re even formed from the same cells in the fetus. The health of your gut depends heavily on having the right kind and balance of micro-organisms.
Gut health is so important that it affects babies before they’re even born. When the mother has an imbalance or lack of essential microflora, she makes less of the essential B-vitamins needed for nervous system development. Further, she’s less able to absorb nutrients and dispose of wastes, setting the stage for fetal mal-nourishment and toxicity. Birth defects, retardation and other issues may be the result.
After birth, the baby is supposed to be exposed to flora in the birth canal and then in the mother’s first milk. But what happens when the mother is already deficient or unbalanced herself? Then, when baby drinks water or is bathed in water that contains flora-killing chemicals (such as chlorine, chloramines and fluoride), baby may never get the chance to establish the healthful bacterial colonies he needs to be healthy and develop normally. A newborn suffering from colic or thrush is generally suffering from a lack of beneficial flora in the gut. How will he escape these problems if he doesn’t have a source of flora?
All of these factors combine to ruin the health and future of children and of adults. Depression is just one consequence of many.
The take-away here is this: If you want to live a ‘well-balanced’, happy, healthy life, you need to make sure your gut flora are in a state of happy balance themselves.
The two MOST important steps you can take are:
1. Replace your flora with a broad-spectrum, totally natural (non-GMO) probiotic supplement. To address both flora and any inflammation caused by other issues, I take our Inner Garden and Rest Easy (Turbocharged Turmeric) probiotics.
2. Stop drinking toxic, acidic or dead water. Reverse osmosis water is dead and acidic, lacking the natural minerals. Unfiltered tap water or water filtered by low-cost filters certainly contains fluoride, chloramines and probably other nasties that can damage your flora and other things in your body. Don’t compromise with low-cost, inefficient water filters and settle for partial solutions. Remember, toxic elements like fluoride, arsenic and other heavy metals ACCUMULATE in one’s body. This is why so many older people and even the generation Xers are suffering from all kinds of “old age diseases” – another term for the accumulation of acid waste and heavy metals and the failure to drink and to bathe in clean water in order to FLUSH out the toxins on a DAILY BASIS.
I hope you find this information of use and that you will take action to protect and improve your health, happiness and longevity.
– Winston Kao
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