Fluoride Facts : The Inconvenient Truths

An Excellent Synopsis on Water Fluoridation

This is a good synopsis on the history, politics, and the science behind fluoridation. At this writing, most of Europe has successfully banned fluoridation. The pro Fluoridation groups with deep pockets are actively ensuring that Americans are forcibly medicated with one of three most toxic elements on earth – fluoride – through water fluoridation. Unfortunately, the devastating effects of fluoridation never get into any mainstream news media. In the past, most have tried to turn their heads, but the ostrich with its head in the sand still dies. The water fluoridation issue is a political issue, not a scientific or medical issue.


by Kurt Irmischer

(The original article has been edited. The edited version appears here.)

Fluoride Facts (The Inconvenient Truths) Part 1

“Truth is to Fluoridation what the Iceberg was to the Titanic”
Fluoride is not a nutrient. There is nothing in medical and biological sciences that has ever discovered an established need for fluoride. Nobody has ever been “fluoride deficient” and no one has ever died from a fluoride deficiency.

U.S. Public Health Service documents show that as far back as 1991, non-fluoridated communities were already receiving equal to and more fluoride than the targeted fluoride dosage of 1mg per day and fluoridated communities were getting 3 to 7 times the “optimal goal.”

The reason for this is due to the fact that when you go shopping for food, if it comes in a box, bottle or can, there is a 95% probability that it is “fluoridated”. You see, most of the food processors use fluoridated water in the preparation of the food that you purchase in the grocery store.

Laboratory analyses now show that most cola drinks have concentrations of .7 to 1PPM and up; and, because of fluoride-based pesticides & fumigants: most well known cereals at 2-10 PPM, fruit juices at 3-7PPM, lettuce at 180PPM, dried eggs at 500 PPM, fresh apples & peaches at 3-5 PPM , California wines at 6-8PPM, etc.

Not counting the amount absorbed through the skin in showering/ bathing in fluoridated water, which is more than in drinking the water, we are already getting a total daily impact for fluoride of 3-6Mg . We are overdosed and drowning in fluoride.

Please Note: Mother’s breast milk has only .004 PPM of Calcium Fluoride. 1PPM is 250 times more. GOD did not create people with fluorosis mottled teeth!
The famous scientist LEONARDO DA VINCI said: “Nature never goes back on its own laws.” Here’s what happens when you do:

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reported in their November 2010 study
( http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/databriefs/db53.html )
“Prevalence and Severity of Dental Fluorosis in the United States.” The 65 year flood of water fluoridation since 1945 had created a tsunami of dental fluorosis: 40.7% of 12-15 year olds (a cohort of 16,700,000 kids) have dental fluorosis!

The findings of the study were such a cause for concern, that in January 2011 (2 months later), the EPA lowered the suggested fluoride concentration in drinking water (to .7PPM) and rejected DOW Chemical’s request to continue/expand the use of their fumigant, Sulfuryl Fluoride. What would make the EPA do a 100MPH retreat on water fluoridation?


The CDC, EPA, and the ADA (American Dental Association) say “be happy-don’t worry” and claim that dental fluorosis is only a “cosmetic effect” — oh, does that mean that your child is only “slightly poisoned”? But, the numbers for moderate and severe fluorosis (3.6% of the total 16,700,000 kids) went up 66% and 177% from the 1986-1987 surveys. That’s 601,200 children with socially embarrassing, awful looking, and structurally weakened teeth! The numbers are even worse for African American and Hispanic children. DOLLAR COST: Bad teeth that can cost $20,000 to $50,000 for veneers ($100,000 over a lifetime). That is a lot of money for people that can’t afford toothbrushes and good diets for their children.

THE BIG LIE- FLUORIDATION HELPS THE POOR. Inner cities that have been fluoridated for 20-50 years have a cavity epidemic: 5 year olds in the emergency room for life saving dental surgery! How in God’s green earth does a child go to school and learn when they are in pain 24/7? Too bad less than 10% of the Pinellas County dentists will take Medicaid children as patients!

Dental Fluorosis – Fluoride Poisoning is the Canary in the Coalmine”: You should know Dental Fluorosis by its other name — FLUORIDE POISONING! This is an epidemic!

It isn’t just the teeth. If fluoride poisoning shows up in the teeth as dental fluorosis, then it is in the child’s entire skeletal structure! Fluoride is cumulative and since healthy kidneys only get rid of 50% of the daily burden (20% for children), the remaining 50%-80% accumulates in the bones, the pineal and thyroid glands, the aorta and major arteries, and the brain and is PERMANENT!

Fluoride is the single greatest facilitator of lead and aluminum into our bodies, helping these toxic compounds cross the Placental and Blood-Brain Barriers–think mental retardation and Alzheimer’s, for starters.

What is the cost of increasing Iodine Deficiencies; lowered IQ’s and developmental deficiencies such as autism/spectrum disorder; increased rates of hip fractures, Alzheimer’s and bone cancer; challenged kidneys /dialysis death, and diabetes?

The ADA doesn’t want to talk about it & our “watchdog-the CDC” is either sleeping or muzzled.
Safe? Ethical? The Journal of the American Dental Association, Vol. 126, p. 1625, Dec.1995: “The ‘optimal’ level of fluoride intake has NEVER been determined scientifically.” After 50 years they still didn’t know?
The American Dental Association states they have unequivocal and overwhelming evidence of the COMPLETE SAFETY of water fluoridation. The American Dental Association’s Paffenbarger Research Center, in March 2012, “We still do not know how much fluoride is required to prevent caries.” After 67 years they still don’t know?

You will find this hard to believe, but—
The fluoridation chemical used over 90% of the time is Hydrofluorosilicic Acid , a toxic waste product that comes straight from the wet smoke-stack scrubbers of the phosphate/fertilizer plants, placed in Tanker Trucks with HAZMAT LABELS, and delivered to your Water District and your faucet. You are now thinking: Are you __ kidding me? No purification process first? NOPE!

Unfortunately, it is not pharmaceutical grade fluoride (like in toothpaste), it is toxic garbage! (By the way, check the Poison Control Warning on your Toothpaste Box–and that’s for Pharmaceutical Grade!!) This toxic waste product contains fluoride, arsenic, lead, mercury, radium 226 & 228, cadmium, hexavalent chromium (think ERIN BROCKAVICH), beryllium and uranium 238. This toxic garbage isn’t even pure enough to be used for rat poison. If they poured it into the rivers, lakes or Tampa Bay, it would be an Ecological Disaster of epic proportions. (But it’s okay to dump it into your baby’s body and brain?) (Same toxic and poisonous garbage – different destination)

WHY HAZMAT LABELS AND EQUIPMENT? ” Sodium Fluoride is more poisonous/toxic than lead and just slightly less poisonous than arsenic.” Handbook of Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products-5th Edition. Hydrofluorosilicic Acid is more corrosive and poisonous than sodium fluoride–and just about anything else known to man.

With Hydrofluorosilicic Acid, every leaky valve or accidental spill is a potential catastrophe: There have been numerous disasters. See: www.fluoridealert.org /accidents

Do you still think that fluoride in your drinking water is safe? The FDA states, “Fluoride is a regulated drug when used for the treatment or prevention of disease, and that no fluoride substance intended to be ingested for the purpose of reducing tooth decay has ever been approved for safety and effectiveness.” The FDA has never approved any fluoride — of any kind — for human consumption. Fluoride is an unapproved drug! Hydrofluorosilicic Acid?

All the major studies show no statistical differences between fluoridated and non-fluoridated communities and countries worldwide. The only differences that show up is that the children in fluoridated communities have greater dental fluorosis and endocrine disruption with all its attended consequences. This is not new news! See: www.fluoridealert.org and the World Health Organization.

Did you know? It is an accepted medical fact that 1% of the U.S. population is either allergic to fluoride or has a high sensitivity to fluoride (10,000 people in Pinellas County). Their reactions can be devastating, debilitating, and deadly!

What do you call the mass-medicating of an entire populace, by inserting into the water supply a known poison, which is an FDA unapproved drug, without any “Informed Consent”, and with complete disregard for the individual citizens age, weight, existing health conditions ie:(kidney dialysis) (iodine deficiency) (heart disease) (diabetes) pregnancy, current medications/dosages, potential drug interactions, allergies or sensitivities, water consumption/requirements, or diet ?

If it is done by a Political Group from outside the USA it is called an ACT OF TERRORISM.

If it is done by a Political Group or Entity inside the USA it is called WATER FLUORIDATION.

Post Script:

Seven years ago, my wife asked me to look into the subject of water fluoridation. I said, “What! Are you kidding me? Water fluoridation to prevent cavities is right up there with Mom, Apple Pie, Puppies and the Flag. She said please! So I did. I had/have no ax to grind. If anything, at first, I must admit that I naturally leaned a little more to my own preconceived ideas on the subject that fluoridation was important to dental health.

But, when the lie is big enough and when you hear it often enough, long enough, from people you believe should know better—you not only believe it, you don’t even think about it—you just assume it to be true. And that is just what has happened with regard to water fluoridation: to you, to me, and to everyone else.

“All of my knowledge is learned by standing on the shoulders of geniuses,” Albert Schweitzer

My research was thorough. I read:

The Fluoride Deception by Christopher Bryson ISBN 1-58322-526-9
The Case Against Fluoride—How Hazardous Waste Ended Up In Our Drinking Water and the Bad Science and Powerful Politics That Kept It There by Paul Connett, PhD, James Beck, MD, PhD, and H.S. Micklem, DPhil ISBN 978-1-60358-287-2
Autopsy of a Scientific Error, by Pierre-Jean Morin, PhD, John Remington Graham, LLB, and Gilles Parent, ND ISBN 978-2-923786-00-1
Fluoride the Aging Factor by John Yiamouyiannis, PhD ISBN 0-913571-03-02
The 2006 National Research Council Report: FLUORIDE IN DRINKING WATER, A SCIENTIFIC REVIEW OF EPA’S STANDARDS (which was commissioned by the EPA) ISBN 978-0-309-10128-8
Fluoridation the Great Dilemma by George L. Waldbott, MD, Albert W. Burgstahler, PhD, H. Lewis McKinney, PhD ISBN 0-87291-097-0

The Following Websites:
Fluoride Action Network website: www.fluoridealert.org
Second Look website: www.slweb.org
New York State Council Against Fluoride website: www.orgsites.com/ny/nyscof
Parents of Fluoride Poisoned Children website: www.poisonfluoride.com
The Lillie Center-Spots on my Teeth website: www.spotsonmyteeth.com
Citizens for Safe Drinking Water: www.Keepers-of-the-Well.org
Dr. Joseph Mercola: mercola.com
ADA and Florida Dental Association websites
Citizens for Safe Water Pinellas: www.citizensforsafewaterpinellas.org under construction.

And more…essentially everything I could get my hands on, including going to International Fluoride Conferences. I kept an open mind – you should too! But!

I know of no one who has read any three (3) of the six(6) books listed and took the time to look at the websites who, like myself, hasn’t come to the considered opinion that for over 68 years, we have been lied to and/or sold a bill of goods by the biggest and some of the (supposed) best of our trusted institutions, including The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), The American Medical Association (AMA, The American Dental Association (ADA), The Industrial Complex, and some of our own municipal and state governments.


When your mind feels it is getting twisted by the conflict of what you thought vs. what you are know learning, there are a few words to the wise which I was fortunate enough to run across:
1. Make up your mind, philosophically, that learning the truth is more important than being right.
2. A quote from Mark Twain: “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble—it’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.”
3. “Man’s mind stretched to a new idea never goes back to its original dimensions.” Oliver Wendell Holmes
Kurt Irmischer, Citizens for Safe Water Pinellas

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