Hemp Vs. Kenaf Oil

As awareness is mounting across the globe, many are seeking solutions to address various global pollutions and wastes. The established companies obviously want to retain their market share and new green solutions have a difficult battle to introduce new ideas to replace the old systems.

In our information world, paper is a very high demand commodity. Traditionally, it is made from harvested trees, which take at least 20-50 years to grow. In order to increase production and reduce the growing time, certain agricultural practices like planting trees extremely close and all of the same size and age for easy harvesting creates serious fire hazards. When we see whole states up in flames, the one thing that you absolutely do not see is the true cause of these fires. When you grow a whole bunch of trees of the same size and age, then move to the next field and grow the next batch, it’s kind of like building a campfire. You put small kindling down first, then larger pieces of wood and finally, the big logs.

Unfortunately, once a fire is started, either by lightening or careless men or an arsonist, the fire will rage and burn effectively and efficiently.

One of the obvious solutions to using trees for paper is to grow weeds that require little or no fertilizer and can be harvested at least once a year, instead of once every 20-50 years.

Hemp has been promoted by many as the great savior or our modern times. It is touted to grow fast, requires little fertilizer, produces a fantastic fiber, oil, and protein powders.

Health practitioners and many people are jumping on to hemp seed oil and hemp protein powders as the new craze for a source of good protein.

As I began researching into this area, I quickly realized that I was now entering political science. There are many who are pro-hemp believers who feel that hemp is our savior for fiber materials, high-grade oils, high protein powders, etc.

Unfortunately, many people don’t realize that University generated reports basically reflect the opinion of those who are paying for the report. This is why we have the term “junk science”. When it comes to hemp, we sure have lots of junk science.

The first misconception is that the commercially grown hemp does not have any THC, the main psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. The truth is that it has less THC. But when you consider the processing which concentrates the THC, the oils and protein powders have a much higher THC concentration than what was initially in the plant.

In this case, either pro-hemp or anti-hemp will twist these experiments to suit their agendas which would include twisting the compilation of data, setting up the experiments to show how safe or unsafe it is.

For example, the pro-hemp people set up an experiment by feeding the testing subjects with micrograms of material whereas the actual proteins are in milligrams. There is a 1,000,000-fold difference here, so if you didn’t pay attention, you would think that hemp oil and hemp protein powder is actually safe to eat because the test subjects showed hardly any THC in their urine. They were feeding the subjects with 600 micrograms, yet, the average hemp oil products contain THC concentrations of 36.0, 36.4, 117.5, 79.5, 48.6, 45.7, 21.0, and 11.5 mg/g, respectively.

Roughly speaking, there is about 50 milligrams of THC per gram of hemp oil or protein powders, yet, the test subjects were only given 600 micrograms. So, of course, THC does not show up in the urine. But if you consume just one gram of hemp oil or protein powders, you would have already consumed close to 10 times what their test subjects were fed and most of us will throw in 2-3 tablespoons and now you are in the stratosphere above the limit of what it will not show. No wonder those who go for a government test don’t pass the drug urine test.

Aside from failing a drug urine test, if one is concerned about one’s health then why would one even bother to consider anything that contains THC in any quantity? As a food source, I consider hemp unacceptable because the drug THC accumulates in the fatty tissues. We live in a very polluted world and the smart thing to do is to reduce the payload of any and all forms of toxic materials in one’s body.

Let’s face it, many people are seeking an excuse to have marijuana legally and thus blind or mislead others to achieve their end goal.

The truth is, there are many other excellent substitutes such as kenaf, jute, flax to name a few, which do not have any THC. The leaves of most of these plants can be fed to animals or used as bedding and they produce excellent fibers for a variety of industrial purposes including paper. Also, the fabric made from jute is popularly known as burlap in North America.

Kenaf is cultivated for its fibre in India, Bangladesh, United States of America, Indonesia, Malaysia, South Africa, Viet Nam, Thailand, parts of Africa, and to a small extent in southeast Europe. Kenaf was grown in Egypt over 3000 years ago. The kenaf leaves were consumed by humans and animals. The best fiber was used for bags, cordage, and the sails for Egyptian boats. This crop was not introduced into southern Europe until the early 1900s. Today, principal farming areas are China, India, and in many other countries including the following: Seed farms- Texas, USA and Tamaulipas, Mexico; North Carolina, USA , Senegal to name a few.

The main uses of kenaf fiber have been rope, twine, coarse cloth (similar to that made from jute), and paper. In California, Texas and Louisiana, 3,200 acres (13 km²) of kenaf were grown in 1992, most of which was used for animal bedding and feed.

Uses of kenaf fibre include engineered wood, insulation, and clothing-grade cloth. Panasonic has set up a plant in Malaysia to manufacture kenaf fibre boards and export them to Japan, oil and liquid absorbent material, soil-less potting mixes, animal bedding, packing material, cut bast fiber for blending with resins for plastic composites, as a drilling fluid loss preventative for oil drilling muds, for a seeded hydromulch for erosion control and various types of erosion and environmental mats, such as seeded grass mats for instant lawns and moldable mats for manufactured parts and containers.

Kenaf seeds yield a vegetable oil that is edible with no toxins. The kenaf seed oil is also used for cosmetics, industrial lubricants and for biofuel production.

Special Comment: The concept that polyunsaturated fats such as corn oil, canola oil, and soybean oil are good for your body and polysaturated fats such as butter, tallow (beef fat), and coconut oil is bad for you is an outright lie!

The truth is, polysaturated fats prevent heart disease. They don’t cause heart disease. If you want to eat butter, eat organic pasture butter that is available in your local health food store. What really does cause heart disease is “homogenized” processing of milk. The homogenized fat particles shower the body and causes the liver to produce cholesterol to coat the arteries, thus causing heart disease. So, as you can see, one needs to be aware of this prevalent false information which is being heavily promoted on all main stream medias.

Now, kenaf oil and other polyunsaturated oils such as olive oil are actually healthy oils to consume. They just don’t prevent heart disease nor do they provide the high level energy that polysaturated fats such as butter and coconut oil provide.

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