Chronic Fatigue? Sugar Cravings? Candida Is Not Mission Impossible!

Paul’s heart sank as he sat in his nutritionist’s office and she told him that his chronic fatigue, stress, and recent antibiotics had caused Candida overgrowth and he would have to eliminate all sugar, carbohydrates, grains from his diet and it would take months to get it under control. Does this sound like you or anyone you know? Read on to find more options.

How much bottled water do you drink? Did you know that 90% of the bottled water you drink is reverse osmosis processed? Reverse Osmosis water, sparkling water, and sodas, are all acid water. When you drink acid water over a period of time, it can throw your gut flora out of balance, creating Candida overgrowth. When you find yourself chronically tired, and craving sugar, then you should order our brand new Candida relief package. Through our research and testing, we have found various products that when taken together can help give relief to people with Candida by promoting a healthy digestive system balance. Our package includes a 30 day supply of Candida probiotics, Neem, Inner Garden™ and Rest Easy™ for $215 + S/H. If you thought that you needed to follow a restrictive diet of no carbohydrates, no sugars while fighting Candida, follow our program and see for yourself whether you need to go to these lengths. Your body will tell you what to do.

Candida Overgrowth may be affecting your health

Monday, November 29, 2010 by: James Schreiber

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(NaturalNews) Do you experience symptoms like chronic fatigue, digestive problems, or vaginal infections with no real explanation? You’re not alone. Estimates now suggest that up to 25% of Americans may suffer from yeast related problems – both men and women.

Candida overgrowth – also known as yeast infection or simply ‘Candida’ – is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide and causes symptoms such as chronic fatigue, skin rashes, recurring vaginal yeast infections, or digestive problems. Despite the fact that many conventional doctors still deny its existence, public awareness of Candida overgrowth has continued to grow.

Candida yeast infection usually occurs in individuals with an overgrowth of an intestinal organism called Candida albicans due to an unhealthy diet high in sugar, prolonged stress, or overuse of broad-spectrum antibiotics. Once the Candida albicans overwhelms the healthy bacteria in your gut, it can negatively affect your health in numerous ways.

Symptoms of Candida Overgrowth

Candida overgrowth is a common health problem of today as up to 75% of all women will experience a yeast infection in their lifetime. However, yeast infection can be far more complex and present a wide variety of seemingly unrelated symptoms:

• constant fatigue

• recurring vaginal infections

• rashes – skin, mouth, sexual organs

• flu-like symptoms

• headaches

• constipation or diarrhea, bloating

• foggy brain

• food allergies

There are many symptoms of Candida yeast infection, but they all start because of out-of-control growth of Candida cells in the intestines. There it may produce a number of toxic by-products that may infiltrate the bloodstream. The result is a fight, and your body is the prize.

Treatment of Candida Overgrowth

There are two different approaches for dealing with Candida overgrowth:

• Conventional medicine generally focuses on reducing the symptoms of the disease of Candida overgrowth. Drugs like Nystatin, Diflucan, Sporanox, or Lamisil can be prescribed to reduce the amount of Candida albicans yeast in the body. While these drugs can help over the short term, many people will experience recurring yeast infections in the long run.

• Holistic approach is usually the only long-term solution for Candida overgrowth. The holistic approach tries to address the root cause of Candida infection to permanently prevent it from recurring and to improve your overall health. This is something – by the way – that conventional medicine with synthetic drugs misses entirely.

Chronic yeast infection is a modern day disease that has reached epidemic proportions. However, thousands of patients with Candida overgrowth have already been helped or cured with antifungal, probiotics and diet therapy. Educating yourself thoroughly about the symptoms and causes of this condition is your first step to better health.


Federal government source for information on yeast infection:

Candida die-off symptoms and how to deal with them:

Dr. Mercola on Candida overgrowth:

Learn more:


You can treat your Candida overgrowth with conventional or holistic measures, or you can try our Candida Relief package – a little known combination that promotes a healthy balance without much diet modification. After you take antibiotic treatment, try our Candida Relief to get your gut flora back in to balance before Candida overgrowth strikes you.


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