All vitamins are not created equally! With modern chemistry which now includes physics, because they can nanotize particles. They can make a vitamin one million times smaller than the previous natural or synthetically made vitamins. This should be of great concern as once any element is nanotized they display totally different physical properties. And at this point in time there are no laws governing nanotizing anything.
It is important to understand that once one has nanotized any element it is essentially a different element. Calcium, Iron, or a vitamin once nanotized do not respond or react the same way, as before they were nantoized. I have posed this question “Will the nanotized particles return to their original size once they are consumed or sprayed into the environment.” To someone designing over 50 different nanotized vitamins and supplements, and the answer was “No.” But quickly he said it was still safe because the microorganisms will digest it and make it non-toxic. So I asked him another question “Since these nanotized particles are really completely different elements aren’t the bacteria going to make never ever scene before new compounds with these nanotized particles?” the answer is “I don’t know. I guess so.” And my response to it was “not just you don’t know, no one else on the planet knows either!”
The bottom line is one has to read the bottles very carefully these days and call to clarify what exactly do their promoted words mean. Such as, “micronized”, nanotized, made smaller, made more efficient, and so on.
Truthfully all body’s weather plant, animal, or humans were never designed to eat isolated, pure vitamins.
In addition they can make mirror image molecules (synthetics); something like it’s supposed to be your right hand but they are selling you a left hand. It looks similar but it sure has a difficult time in fitting into a right hand glove.
Example: d-tocopherol is a natural form of vitamin E and l-tocopherol is the synthetic form of vitamin E, which usually is written as l-tocopherol acetate, which is telling you that this vitamin is made from acetate a form of plastic commonly used in making photographic film.
The other issue is synthetic vitamins, which are the pure forms while “legally” they have created a new concept called Substantial equivalence. This concept was developed by OECD in 1991, that maintains that a novel food (for example, genetically modified foods) should be considered the same as and as safe as a conventional food if it demonstrates the same characteristics and composition as the conventional food. Substantial equivalence is important from a regulatory point of view. If a novel food is substantially equivalent to its conventional counterpart, then it could be covered by the same regulatory framework as a conventional food.[Wikepdia] Substantial equivalence is a concept, developed by OECD in 1991, that maintains that a novel food (for example, genetically modified foods) should be considered the same as and as safe as a conventional food if it demonstrates the same characteristics and composition as the conventional food. Substantial equivalence is important from a regulatory point of view. If a novel food is substantially equivalent to its conventional counterpart, then it could be covered by the same regulatory framework as a conventional food.[Wikepedia]
This is why I have come up with a mixture of whole foods when digested would become your needed vitamins. After all this is how your body was designed to consume vitamins. If you are interested in learning how to get your vitamins the natural way visit (put in link)
Winston’s Comment:
Welcome to the 21st Century, you do not just have to be savvy enough operate your telephone, but you have to be savvy enough to decipher the labels on your food, vitamins, and your owners manual to just about any product you buy.
So read your labels, go for whole foods, and pay attention to what your body is trying to tell you. If you eat something that makes you nauseous common sense says, “it might not be good for you!”
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